ESP8266 for Windows

I could not believe my luck when the email appeared – one of my readers let me know there’s a Windows environment for the ESP8266 AT LAST. No more messing with VMs.

Excitedly I downloaded the package here and followed the instructions TO THE LETTER (that’s important). I ran the batch file and LO – a DOS box popped up on my Windows 7 machine – and… I could compile the code !!!

Well, I saw some open and closing directories – whereas the instructions for MAKE suggested it might take 5 minutes or so…. I tried the second instruction and that looked more promising ….and yes, it generated BINARIES – two of them. That was a bit worrying as the AT demo has more binaries than that. Anyway, the FLASHER popped up and I blew the firmware for the board, SO excited.. and..

Nothing. Can’t see any common sense at 9600, 56k or 115k. Something’s coming out of the board initially but it doesn’t make any sense.

Want to give it a try and tell me what happens? And if you figure it out – come in here and let everyone else know so finally we can get on and experiment without having to delve into Linux… yes, despite the setback – I’m still excited…

14 thoughts on “ESP8266 for Windows

  1. Oh got that thanks – no, blowing files is no problem – but following the instructions I’m very concerned that the 5 minutes compile reduced to merely coming in and out of a few directories – then the BIN files did nothing at the end. Of course I’m assuming they’ve set up the AT demo – it might be something completely different – but I’d like to hear other people’s experiences – and thanks for coming back quickly.

  2. can you hook the 8266 up to a microcontroller with 2 com ports and set the uart baud rate to any non standard speeds and use another uart on the micro to connect to the terminal using standard speeds? Just a thought. I think my little pic32 running mmbasic can do weird baud rates but I haven’t actually done that yet.

    • I will try that and thank you very much… but as the 092 version has bugs I can only use this for testing – I know you have new AT code which came out yesterday (but didn’t update the doc so I don’t know where to flash the BIN files to – do you know?) I really want to be able to make modifications to AT code using the latest AT update and the 093 library.

    • I’m confused now – in the CYGWYN package- that is the IOT-DEMO… not the AT command set. I compiled this and something is working – on my mobile phone I can see all sorts of strange characters for an access point name – and in the config files there is a convoluted password.

      Can you explain how to make a simple access point name – like “myaccess” and a simple password? I can’t even figure out how to log in? And a search of the web does not help.

  3. More’s the point – why on EARTH would anyone deliberately use a non-standard baud rate?? Is it possible to change this to something like 9600 baud or 115200 that we all have available?

  4. Hope this help you:
    **Bray Terminal (Br@y++)**
    Both for RS232 comunications. You WRITE the Baud needed and is NOT chosen from a fixed list.
    Both, at least to me, reasonably “easy to use”

    • Excellent thanks. I think there’s a bigger problem in that the code compiles but finding out how to access it I have detailed elsewhere the problem… weird access point name, no idea what the password is, errors in compile. Similarly ESPRESSIF have released a great new version of the AT command set – but not updated the file that tells you where to FLASH the (now) 5 .BIN files. Why does life have to be so difficult. I’m reading the AT command set and they’ve added the bits I need but I cant blow the ROMS!

    • Yes I have thanks. This morning, ESPRESSIF released a fix for the Access point name, however:

      To try to compile this myself…

      I copied the new AT directory into CYGWYN/SDK/SAMPLES
      I copied the contents of AT directory into CYGWIN/SDK/APP

      When I tried MAKE

      #if PLUG_DEVICE
      cc1: all warnings being treated as errors
      ../../Makefile:137: recipe for target ‘.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_esp_platfo
      _timer.o’ failed
      make[2]: *** [.output/eagle/debug/obj/user_esp_platform_timer.o] Error 1
      make[2]: Leaving directory ‘/SDK/app/user’
      ../Makefile:123: recipe for target ‘.subdirs’ failed
      make[1]: *** [.subdirs] Error 2
      make[1]: Leaving directory ‘/SDK/app’
      Makefile:123: recipe for target ‘.subdirs’ failed
      make: *** [.subdirs] Error 2

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